Olivia Heriot-Walker

Events Director

Olivia is responsible for organizing key Promax UK events including International Women's Day & Nomination's Night as well assisting in organizing the Awards ceremony.

/ Background

Head of Promotions - Daytime ITV

Olivia has worked in TV since 1997 starting out in sports documentaries and working across a number of channels until settling at ITV and moving from long form to short. Responsible for daytime creative promotions, she has been central to the defining the new model of cross-channel promotion and continuity signposting, and has worked on a number of rebrands. Currently promoting brands from Good Morning Britain, This Morning and Loose women, through to The Chase, she understands the importance of both media and creative working together to maximise impact and drive audience. Recognised at ITV as the go to person for creative integration of brand objectives and broadcast goals on the daytime schedule, she is a big supporter of the importance of Promax to the industry.